Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Current Environmental Laws Of The Philippines Environmental Sciences Essay

Current Environmental Laws Of The Philippines Environmental Sciences Essay There are different laws which are provided for the environment. These are created for the preservation, conservation and protection of the natural resources of the Philippines. Some are intended to preserve, protect and secure human health and our natural environment just like the pollution control laws. Some of these laws will be discussed in the succeeding paragraphs. Philippine Environmental Policy (P.D. 1151) defines the general policies on the pursuit of a better quality of life for the present and future generations and mandates the undertaking the environmental impact assessments for all projects, which may significantly affect the environment. Philippine Environmental Policy (P.D. 1152) defines the policy objectives and the strategies for the various aspects of environmental management, such as air and water quality management, natural source development, land management, and waste management. It launches a comprehensive national program of environmental protection and management, with reference to policies and standards of noise, air quality, water quality, classification of water and waste management. Pollution Control Law (P.D. 984) Stating that it is imperative to strengthen the National Pollution Control Commission (since subsumed by the DENR) to best protect the people from the growing menace of environmental pollution, President Marcos issued Presidential Decree No. 984, otherwise known as the National Pollution Control Decree of 1976. The Decree was effective up until its repeal under the Clean Water Act of 2004. This law prevents possible pollution that different commercial and industrial businesses may give to the environment. It provides guidelines for the proper discharge of sewage or industrial waste. The Solid Waste Management Act of 2001(R.A. 9003) an act providing for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds therefore, and for other purposes. This law ensures that there is proper disposal and management of wastes in different areas of our country. There are penalties for those who will break the rules provided by this law. It ensures the protection of the public health. When we conducted a research in Bakakeng Norte last semester, about their solid waste management, we learned that there is a program MRF or the material recovery facility that they are doing. Each barangay of Baguio city are doing this. This law is very helpful not only for the environment but also to the people. Water Code of the Philippines (P.D. 1067) adopts adequate measures to conserve and regulate the use of water in commercial, industrial and residential areas. It also provides other policy guidelines in water quality and management of water resources. This law is very important. It is a tool in ensuring proper management and use of water. Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 (R.A. 9275) is an act providing a comprehensive water quality management and for other purposes. This law ensures and secures the health of every citizen of our country. It ensures proper management of water resources and water quality management in all bodies of water of the Philippines. Water Pollution Control P.D. 600 (amended by P.D. 979) prohibits the discharge of oil, noxious liquid substances, and other harmful substances into the countrys inland and territorial waters. Climate Change Act of 2009 (R.A. 9729) an act mainstreaming climate change into government policy formulations, establishing the framework strategy and program on climate change, creating for this purpose the climate change commission, and for other purposes. Presidential Decree No. 953 is a law requiring the planting of trees in certain places and penalizing unauthorized cutting, destruction, damaging and injuring of certain trees, plants and vegetation. The Forestry Reform Code P.D. 389 (P.D. 705) codifies updates and raises forestry laws in the country. It emphasizes the sustainable utilization of forest resources. Its function is to conserve the public forests of the nation, protect and preserve national parks and provide agricultural land for the people. Presidential Decree No. 953 is a law requiring the planting of trees in certain places and penalizing unauthorized cutting, destruction, damaging and injuring of certain trees, plants and vegetation. Sanitation Code (P.D. 856) places the responsibility in the local government units for the solid waste management in his area of production. It prohibits the improper disposal of garbage 2)How Hospitality Tourism Management is affected by the current environmental laws? Environmental laws are very important in hospitality and tourism industry. They serve as guidelines in putting up businesses. These laws provide penalties for every violation that they may commit. Without these laws, there will be overuse and degradation of natural resources. These laws should be considered by tourism industries before putting up their businesses. These laws set wall or limitation for tourism but compliance with these leads to conservation of our environment and we are not only helping the environment but actually the whole humanity since we are the number one who benefits the gifts of our natural resources. The environmental laws give ideas to the hospitality and tourism employees on how to have a successful operation of their businesses. They help in creating good path to success. These laws remind tourism industries that success is not only having a good relationship with the customers they have but also having a good relationship with the environment and cooperation with the government. 3)How Hospitality and Tourism Management businesses can help improve the current environmental situation of the Philippines? Tourism activities have positive and negative effects on the life of people and in the environment. Tourism can give positive impact on the economy and provides employment for the people but its unsustainable development can lead to destruction of our environment. In developing tourism facilities such as recreation facilities, water supplies, restaurants and accommodation can involve sand mining, beach and sandbank erosion, soil erosion and extensive paving. Tourism activity can lead to land degradation and loss of wildlife habitats and deterioration of scenery. Swimming pools and hotels generally overuse water for maintenance, especially golf courses. This can lead to water shortage and generate waste water. Tourism activities also contribute in unmanageable volume of solid wastes, for example here in Baguio City, volume of solid waste increases during Panagbenga. Hospitality and Tourism Management businesses can help improve the current environmental situation of the Philippines by being socially and environmentally responsible. By doing what is right and not harmful for the environment. By complying with the laws provided for the environment. Tourism graduates must know how to apply in the industry what he learned in his school. Nowadays, sustainable tourism and green tourism are becoming popular. We should not stop in promoting sustainable and green tourism. Tourism businesses can help by conserving water and energy. Practice proper waste management, reduce, recycle and reuse. In developing their establishments use environment friendly products such as eco-friendly paints, offer products which are also eco-friendly. Tourism industry must not only after profit, we must also consider all the things it can affect, specially the environment. Our environment is very fragile. Some resources once depleted they cannot be replaced. Some once damaged , can never be back into their original state again. Some could be but it will take time. The next generation will be the one suffering from the loss of our natural resources today. Tourism businesses should be able to attract customers not by having luxurious destinations. Start promoting the natural beauty of our environment and stop damaging the natural resources we have. They should be a role model and encourage people in conserving the environment. Reference : http://bio427.blogspot.com/2010/10/environmental-laws-of-philippines.html

Sunday, January 19, 2020

A Case Analysis of Calyx and Corolla Essay -- Flower Companies Busines

A Case Analysis of Calyx and Corolla This analysis focuses on the case study of Calyx & Corolla, a mail order flower company. Calyx & Corolla is a relatively new company that utilizes a different distribution channel than conventional companies for fresh flowers. Calyx & Corolla mails flowers direct from the growers to the customers via Federal Express and eliminates the middleman (Appendix A). This permits Calyx & Corolla to provide fresher, longer-lasting flowers to consumers. The management of Calyx & Corolla is contemplating a change in their long-term business strategy as they examine their ability to compete with more traditional outlets such as retail flower shops and wire services like FTD. Ruth Owades, the founder of Calyx & Corolla, has hired Marketing Consultants (MarCo) to assess the strengths and weaknesses of her business and make recommendations on how her company can fully develop their mail order concept. Background: Calyx & Corolla is a small mail order flower company that was founded in 1988 by Ruth Owades. Ms. Owades secured $2 million in capital from approximately 18 different investors in order to launch the company. By 1991, Calyx & Corolla exceeded $10 million in annual sales and Owades and her associates were reassessing the firm's long-term growth strategy (Wylie and Salmon, 1991). Up to this point, Calyx & Corolla was primarily a mail order company, but management is now considering expanding their market and is unsure of how they should proceed. Recently, a well-financed venture capital-backed start-up failed and Calyx & Corolla acquired some of its assets. Another unproven competitor recently entered the market, financed by a large Japanese conglomerate. The company's success is primarily due to a few key employees. Ruth Owades plays a major part in the selection and pricing of flowers and other merchandise that appears in the catalog. Fran Wilson, the vice president of operations, is responsible for customer orders and service, day-to-day communications with growers, systems development, and finance. Ann Hayes Lee is responsible for merchandise development and catalog creation and production. She is also responsible for non-direct mail initiatives that are aimed at accelerating the growth of the business. Calyx & Corolla espouses the values and creativity of these individuals and their employees. Taking into consi... ...ists will cost $20 C&C could find (1000) floral shops interested in selling C&C products at a substantial profit. C&C would allow floral shops to keep 30% of the sale Particpating floral shops would sell (1) C&C product per week The average sale at the florist shop would be $47.63 (from Appendix B) The average COGS at the florist shop would be $10.95 (from Appendix B) Sales Revenue Estimated C&C Estimated Floral Shop Number of Rate of Number of Sales Revenue Sales Revenue Catalogs Customer Orders per Order @ per Order @ Distributed Response Received $47.63 x 0.7 Average Sale $47.63 x 0.3 Average Sale 1000 52 52000 $1,733,732 $743,028 Costs of Goods Sold (COGS) Number of Rate of Number of Estimated Catalogs Customer Orders Cost of goods sold Distributed Response Received @ $10.95/sale 1000 52 52000 $569,400 Florist Derived Catalog Business Sales and Marking Costs (SMC) Number of Production & Number of Costs for Costs for Total Sales & Catalogs Mail Costs @Order Shipping Handling Marketing Costs Distributed $20/Catalog Received Orders Orders per Group 1000 $20,000 52000 $468,000 $260,000 $748,000 Sales Revenue - COGS - SMC for Catalog Sales for C&C = $416,332

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Interpersonal Process: Decision Making in Organizations Essay

The crucial part of any organization is making good decisions in the various contexts. To reach good decisions, they need reliable information, experience in interpreting information, and reaching a consensus. However, this process of decision-making remains incomplete without the consultation process as the view and expertise of other people in an organization can help to admit one or alter one’s mind. The process of decision-making is supported by various tools and techniques that help an organization better sort and analyze the information by adding numerical and objective precision to minimize the level of subjectivity. As organizational decision-making process is people-centric and it always has some level of subjectivity in it, some sort of training can enable managers to be better decision makers. A supportive environment where one is fairly criticized for making wrong choices and proper support from other group members and superiors enables managers to make better decisions (Kippenberger, T, 1998). The importance of interpersonal process of decision-making is obvious in all types of decisions made in the organizational context such as strategic decision of investment and direction of future growth taken by the board of director and tactical decision about material handling and effectiveness at departmental levels taken by managers. In addition, in the 21st century of market-oriented and customer focused approach also puts pressure on employees to make decision about their own tasks, responses to customers and improvement to business practice. The process of first collecting alternative possibilities and then converging on a solution is referred as decision making. In fact when we decide we try to cut off from all other alternatives as the Latin root of the world decision suggests and means. In the presence and emergence of new innovative solutions and huge variations in the ways business are being done, decision making process still remains a human process. However, the advance methodologies and MIS have reduced the level of human efforts in collecting  and sorting the information thus making the decision-making process comparatively less complicated and difficult. As we have already explained that decision-making is a human-centric process, the importance of interpersonal skills of influencing others, conflict resolving, communicating, and conveying the messages etc cannot be minimized. Decision-making is not only confined to only choosing among the alternative solutions and diverging but this process also involves dialogs, brainstorming, contemplative reflection, critique and conflict resolution. In addition, interpersonal processes of decision making is much evident in new types of organizational structures such as team-based matrix structure where collaborative and group decision-making are increasingly being used to enhance decision-making process as compared to the conventional decision-making processes. GLOBALIZATION: The fast spread of phenomenon of globalization is increasing the present level of complexity o the ways of decision-making as to collect and process the data becomes a difficult and cumbersome issue. As boundaries of the countries are getting wider and non-evident in the presence of globalization, organizations are under huge pressures to make decisions collaboratively to effectively manage the flow of goods, services, labor and capital. These organizations to win the increasingly competitive environment have started to rely on participatory and inclusive approaches to decision-making and knowledge creation. As global organizations have their offices spread across many countries of the world make use, they have to arrange meeting online, face-to-face discussions and group participations from distant and geographically disparate locations. This process of decision making utilizes certain online technologies and solutions to increase the level of efficiency, however, these tools only support the human-centric decision-making process and don’t become alternative to interpersonal process of decision-making. In addition, these tools enhance and improve  communication, learning, creativity and problem solving abilities of management (Anonymous, 2007). GROUP DECISION MAKING: Over the past few years group decision making has become much common and popular as its important function is to come up with a collective decision through discussions, and diversity of ideas, and thus making this process more interpersonal. Sometimes individual members’ enduring attitudes is shifted to the more polarized group position. One of the benefits of this interpersonal process of decision-making is the group members’ learning from each other and mutual persuasion. However, the view point of one member has strong influence on the behavior and attitude of other members even if they sometimes don’t give due importance to each other’s arguments (Isenberg, 1986). Seeking the arguments of most participants but also resolving and mitigating the minority objections is another from of group decision making referred as Consensus decision-making. It is more participative, collaborative and interpersonal approach of decision making. For instance, many organizations use Robert’s Rule of Order for structuring debate and passage of proposals to reach to a majority decision, however, the goal of full agreement and consensus is often missed. As this process often formulate adversarial debates and competing factions, disturbing group members’ relationships, it become much difficult for a group to cooperatively and collaboratively implement a contentious decision (Jeffery, A. B., 2005). REFERENCES: Kippenberger, T, (1998), â€Å"Strategic decisions: the value of diversity and conflict†, The Antidote, 3(7), Emeraldinsight [Online], Available at: http://www.emeraldinsight.com.ezproxy.scu.edu.au/journals.htm?issn=1363-8483&volume=3&issue=7&articleid=873429&show=html (Accessed: 02 December, 2010) Jeffery, A. B., Maes, J.D., Bratton-Jeffery, M.F., (2005), â€Å"Improving team decision-making performance with collaborative modeling†, Team Performance Management, 11(1/2), pp. 40-50, Emeraldinsight [Online], Available at: http://www.emeraldinsight.com.ezproxy.scu.edu.au/journals.htm?issn=1352-7592&volume=11&issue=1/2&articleid=1464479&show=html (Accessed: 03 December, 2010) Baron, R.S., & Kerr, N.L. (2002). Group Process, Group Decision, Group Action. 2nd edn. Buckingham: Open University Press

Friday, January 3, 2020

Essay on Modernism in Literature - 1532 Words

The turn of the 20th century conveyed revolution in psychological, social, and philosophical thought. It was time for something neoteric. It was time to break out of the mundane tradition. This time of revolution conceded men, such as Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, and Sigmund Freud, to rise to fame with their radical and cutting edge theories. Also, women were exasperated of their modeled roles in society. They sought to be independent, they longed to have the ability to vote, and most of all, they wanted legal equality. This time period also brought the renewal of European expansion. With new motivations, such as economic motivations, social imperialism, and the new theories of racial superiority, the British empire began concentrating on†¦show more content†¦The space in between the front lines of the defenders and the attackers was known as No Man’s Land. (Trench Warfare) Thousands of battle hardened soldiers would put their lives on the line by running into this no m ans land, just to win a few feet in the battle of the frontline. This led to hundreds of thousands of casualties just to gain two or three feet on the battlefield. There is no better picture of this theory of irrational creatures than in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, which was published in 1902. (Heart of Darkness) This novella is the story of a man, Marlow, who gathers a crew of sailors to journey down to the Congo, in British controlled Africa. As Marlow and his men begin the adventure down the river, they are soon given a mission to capture Mr. Kurtz, the best ivory extractor in all of Africa. The problem is, Kurtz has gone crazy, and his methods have gone tribal. The corporation believes he has gone insane. Its not until Marlow finally gets to Kurtz through a very trying journey, that he realizes Kurtzs actions are like the rest of ours, except Kurtz was tired of hiding behind civilization. Marlow realizes that we are all evil and we are all corrupt, but we attempt to hide it with civilization. The horror, the horror (Conrad) are Kurtz last words he utters to Marlow before he dies. Kurtz realizes the life of evil he has lived, theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Modernism at Its Finest in Literature756 Words   |  4 PagesModernism at Its Finest In the beginning of the twentieth century, literature changed and focused on breaking away from the typical and predicate patterns of normal literature. Poets at this time took full advantage and stretched the idea of the mind’s conscience on how the world, mind, and language interact and contradict. 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