Monday, September 30, 2019

The Golden Lily Chapter 8

GOING OUT AGAIN didn't really happen until the weekend. Brayden and I were both overachieving enough to manage weeknight outings and still finish homework – but neither of us liked to do it if we could avoid it. Besides, my weeknights usually had some other conflict with the gang, be it a feeding or the experiments. Eddie had given his blood this week, and I'd made a point to not be around when it happened, lest Sonya try to pitch to me again. Brayden had wanted to go out Saturday, but that was the day I'd promised to drive Adrian to San Diego. Brayden compromised on breakfast, catching me before I hit the road, and we went out to a restaurant adjacent to one of Palm Springs' many lush golf resorts. Although I had long since offered to pull my share, Brayden continued picking up the bills and doing all the driving. As he pulled up in front of my dorm to drop me off afterward, I saw a surprising and not entirely welcome sight awaiting me: Adrian sitting outside on a bench, looking bored. â€Å"Oh geez,† I said. â€Å"What?† asked Brayden. â€Å"That's my brother.† I knew there was no avoiding this. The inevitable had happened. Adrian would probably cling to Brayden's bumper until he got an introduction. â€Å"Come on, you can meet him.† Brayden left the car idling and stepped out, casting an anxious glance at the NO PARKING sign. Adrian jumped up from his seat, a look of supreme satisfaction on his face. â€Å"Wasn't I supposed to pick you up?† I asked. â€Å"Sonya had some errands to run and offered to drop me here while she was out,† he explained. â€Å"Figured we'd save you some trouble.† Adrian had known what I was doing this morning, so I wasn't entirely sure his motives had been all that selfless. â€Å"This is Brayden,† I told him. â€Å"Brayden, Adrian.† Adrian shook his hand. â€Å"I've heard so much about you.† I didn't doubt that but wondered who exactly he'd heard it from. Brayden gave a friendly smile back. â€Å"I've actually never heard of you. I didn't even know Sydney had another brother.† â€Å"You never mentioned me?† Adrian shot me a look of mock hurt. â€Å"It never came up,† I said. â€Å"You're still in high school, right?† asked Adrian. He nodded toward the Mustang. â€Å"You must have a side job to make those car payments, though. Unless you're one of those slackers who just tries to get money off of their parents.† Brayden looked indignant. â€Å"Of course not. I work almost every day at a coffee shop.† â€Å"A coffee shop,† repeated Adrian, managing to convey a million shades of disapproval in his tone. â€Å"I see.† He glanced over at me. â€Å"I suppose it could be worse.† â€Å"Adrian – â€Å" â€Å"Well, it's not like I'm going to work there forever,† protested Brayden. â€Å"I've already been accepted to USC, Stanford, and Dartmouth.† Adrian nodded thoughtfully. â€Å"I guess that's respectable. Although, I've always thought of Dartmouth as the kind of school people go to when they can't get into Yale or Harv – â€Å" â€Å"We really need to go,† I interrupted, grabbing hold of Adrian's arm. I attempted to tug him toward the student parking lot and failed. â€Å"We don't want to get caught in traffic.† Brayden glanced at his cell phone. â€Å"Traffic patterns should be relatively light going west this time of the day, but being a weekend, you never know how tourists might alter things, especially with the various attractions in San Diego. If you look at traffic models applying the Chaos Theory – â€Å" â€Å"Exactly,† I said. â€Å"Better safe than sorry. I'll text you when I get back, okay? We'll figure out the rest of this week.† For once, I didn't have to stress about handshaking or kissing or anything like that. I was too fixated on dragging Adrian away before he could open his mouth and say something inflammatory. Brayden, while passionate about academic topics and me disagreeing with him, tended to otherwise be pretty mild-mannered. He hadn't exactly been upset just now, but that was certainly the most agitated I'd ever seen him. Leave it to Adrian to work up even the most easygoing people. â€Å"Really?† I asked, once we were safely inside Latte. â€Å"You couldn't have just said ‘nice to meet you,' and let it go?† Adrian pushed back the passenger seat, managing the most lounging position possible while still wearing a seatbelt. â€Å"Just looking out for you, sis. Don't want you ending up with some deadbeat. Believe me, I'm an expert on that kind of thing.† â€Å"Well, I appreciate your insider knowledge, but I'll manage this on my own, thanks just the same.† â€Å"Come on, a barista? Why not some business intern?† â€Å"I like that he's a barista. He always smells like coffee.† Adrian rolled down a window, letting the breeze ruffle his hair. â€Å"I'm surprised you let him drive you around, especially considering the way you freak out if anyone touches the controls in your car.† â€Å"Like the window?† I asked pointedly. â€Å"When the air conditioning's on?† Adrian took the hint and raised the window back up. â€Å"He wants to drive. So I let him. Besides, I like that car.† â€Å"That is a nice car,† Adrian admitted. â€Å"Though I never took you for the type to go for status symbols.† â€Å"I don't. I like it because it's an interesting car with a long history.† â€Å"Translation: status symbol.† â€Å"Adrian.† I sighed. â€Å"This is going to be a long ride.† In actuality, we made pretty good time. Despite Brayden's speculations, traffic moved easily, enough that I felt I deserved a coffee break halfway through. Adrian got a mocha – â€Å"Can you spot me this one time, Sage?† – and maintained his usual breezy conversation style throughout most of the trip. I couldn't help but notice, when we were about thirty minutes out, he grew more withdrawn and thoughtful. His banter dropped off, and he spent a lot of time gazing out the window. I could only assume the reality of his seeing his dad was setting in. It was certainly something I could relate to. I'd be just as anxious if I was about to see mine. I didn't really think Adrian would appreciate a shared psychotherapy session, though, so I groped for a safer topic to draw him out of his blue mood. â€Å"Have you guys learned anything from Eddie and Dimitri's blood?† I asked. Adrian glanced at me in surprise. â€Å"Didn't expect you to bring that up.† â€Å"Hey, I'm curious about the science of it. I just didn't want to participate.† He accepted this. â€Å"Not much to tell so soon. They sent the samples off to a lab – one of your labs, I think – to see if there's anything physically different between the two. Sonya and I did pick up a†¦ oh, I don't know how to describe it. Like, a ‘hum' of spirit in Belikov's blood. Not that him having magic blood should surprise anyone. Most people seem to think everything he does is magic.† â€Å"Oh, come on,† I said. â€Å"That's unfair.† â€Å"Is it? You've seen the way Castile worships him. He wants to be just like Belikov when he grows up. And even though Sonya's usually the spokesperson for our research, she won't breathe without checking with him beforehand. ‘What do you think, Dimitri?' ‘Is this a good idea, Dimitri?' ‘Please give us your blessing so that we can fall down and worship you, Dimitri.'† I shook my head in exasperation. â€Å"Again – unfair. They're research partners. Of course she's going to consult him.† â€Å"She consults him more than me.† Probably because Adrian always looked bored during their research, but I figured it wouldn't help to bring that up. â€Å"They've both been Strigoi. They've kind of got a unique insight to this.† He didn't respond for several moments. â€Å"Okay. I'll give you points for that. But you can't argue that there was any competition between me and him when it came to Rose. You saw them together. I never had a chance. I can't compare.† â€Å"Well, why do you have to?† Part of me also wanted to ask what Rose had to do with this, but Jill had told me numerous times that for Adrian, everything came back to Rose. â€Å"Because I wanted her,† Adrian said. â€Å"Do you still want her?† No answer. Rose was a dangerous topic; one I wished we hadn't weirdly stumbled into. â€Å"Look,† I said. â€Å"You and Dimitri are two different people. You shouldn't compare yourself to him. You shouldn't try to be like him. I mean, I'm not going to sit here and rip him apart or anything. I like Dimitri. He's smart and dedicated, insanely brave and ferocious. Good in a fight. And he's just a nice guy.† Adrian scoffed. â€Å"You left out dreamy and ruggedly handsome.† â€Å"Hey, you're pretty easy on the eyes too,† I teased, quoting something he'd told me a while ago. He didn't smile. â€Å"And don't underestimate yourself. You're smart too, and you can talk yourself out of – and into – anything. You don't even need magical charisma.† â€Å"So far I'm not seeing a lot of difference between me and a carnival con-man.† â€Å"Oh, stop,† I said. He could make me laugh even with the most serious of topics. â€Å"You know what I mean. And you're also one of the most fiercely loyal people I know – and caring, no matter how much you pretend otherwise. I see the way you look after Jill. Not many people would've traveled across the country to help her. And almost no one would have done what you did to save her life.† Again, Adrian took a while to respond. â€Å"But what are loyal and caring really worth?† â€Å"To me? Everything.† There was no hesitation in my answer. I'd seen too much backstabbing and calculation in my life. My own father judged people not by who they were but by what they could do for him. Adrian did care passionately about others underneath all of his bravado and flippancy. I'd seen him risk his life to prove it. Considering I'd had someone's eye cut out to avenge my sister†¦ well. Devotion was definitely something I could appreciate. Adrian didn't say anything else for the rest of the drive, but at least I didn't get the impression he was brooding anymore. Mostly he seemed thoughtful, and that wasn't so concerning. What did make me a little uneasy was that I often caught sight of him studying me in my periphery. I replayed what I'd said over and over in my mind, trying to figure out if there'd been anything to warrant such attention. Adrian's father was staying at a sprawling San Diego hotel with a vibe similar to the resort Brayden and I had eaten breakfast at. Businessmen in suits mingled with pleasure seekers in tropical prints and flip-flops. I'd almost worn jeans to breakfast and was glad now for my choice of a gray skirt and short-sleeved blouse with a muted blue and gray print. It had a tiny ruffled trim, and the skirt had a very, very faint herringbone pattern. Normally, I wouldn't have worn such contrasting textures together, but I'd liked the boldness of the look. I'd pointed it out to Jill before I left the dorm for breakfast. It'd taken her a while to even find the contrasting textures, and when she did, she'd rolled her eyes. â€Å"Yeah, Sydney. You're a real rebel.† Meanwhile, Adrian was in one of his typical summer outfits, jeans and a button-up shirt – though of course the shirt was untucked, with the sleeves rolled up and a few top buttons undone. He wore that look all the time, and despite its casual faà §ade, he often made it appear dressy and fashionable. Not today, however. These were the most worn-out jeans I'd ever seen him wear – the knees were on the verge of having holes. The dark green shirt, while nice quality and a perfect match for his eyes, was wrinkled to inexplicable levels. Sleeping in it or tossing it on the floor wouldn't achieve that state. I was pretty sure someone would have to actually crumple it into a ball and sit on it for it to look that bad. If I'd noticed it back at Amberwood (and hadn't been so distracted getting him away from Brayden), I would've insisted on ironing the shirt before we left. He still looked good, of course. He always looked good, no matter the condition of his clothing and hair. It was one of the more annoying things about him. This rumpled look made him come across as some pensive European model. Studying him as we took the elevator to the second floor lobby, I decided it couldn't be a coincidence that the most disheveled outfit I'd ever seen Adrian in had fallen on the day he had a father-son visit. The question was: why? He'd complained that his dad always found fault with him. Dressing this way seemed like Adrian was just providing one more reason. The elevator opened, and I gasped as we stepped out. The back wall of the lobby was almost entirely covered with windows that offered a dramatic view of the Pacific. Adrian chuckled at my reaction and took out his cell phone. â€Å"Take a closer look while I call the old man.† He didn't have to tell me twice. I walked over to one of the glass walls, admiring the vast, blue-gray expanse. I imagined that on cloudy days, it would be hard to tell where sky ended and ocean began. The weather was gorgeous out today, full of sun and a perfectly clear azure-blue sky. On the lobby's right side, a set of doors opened up onto a Mediterranean style balcony where diners were enjoying lunch out in the sun. Looking down to ground level, I caught sight of a sparkling pool as blue as the sky, surrounded in palm trees and sunbathers. I didn't have the same longing for water that a magic user like Jill possessed, but I had been living in the desert for almost two months. This was amazing. I was so transfixed with the beauty outside that I didn't notice Adrian's return. In fact, I didn't even notice he was standing right beside me until a mother calling for her daughter – also named Sydney – made me glance aside. There, I saw Adrian only inches away, watching me with amusement. I flinched and stepped back a little. â€Å"How about some warning next time?† He smiled. â€Å"I didn't want to interrupt. You looked happy for a change.† â€Å"For a change? I'm happy lots of times.† I knew Adrian well enough to recognize the sign of an incoming snarky comment. At the last second, he changed course, his expression turning serious. â€Å"Does that guy – that Brendan guy – â€Å" â€Å"Brayden.† â€Å"Does that Brayden guy make you happy?† I looked at Adrian in surprise. These kinds of questions were almost always a setup from him, but his neutral face made it hard to guess his motives this time. â€Å"I guess,† I said at last. â€Å"Yeah. I mean, he doesn't make me unhappy.† That brought Adrian's smile back. â€Å"Red-hot answer if ever there was one. What do you like about him? Aside from the car? And that he smells like coffee?† â€Å"I like that he's smart,† I said. â€Å"I like that I don't have to dumb myself down around him.† Now Adrian frowned. â€Å"You do that a lot for people?† I was surprised at the bitterness in my own laugh. â€Å"‘A lot?' Try all the time. Probably the most important thing I've learned at Amberwood is that people don't like to know how much you know. With Brayden, there's no censoring for either of us. I mean, just look at this morning. One minute we were talking Halloween costumes, the next we were discussing the ancient Athenian origins of democracy.† â€Å"I'm not going to claim to be a genius, but how the hell did you make that leap?† â€Å"Oh,† I said. â€Å"Our Halloween costumes. We're dressing Greek. From the Athenian era.† â€Å"Of course,† he said. And this time, I could tell the snark was about to return. â€Å"No sexy cat costumes for you. Only the most dignified, feminist attire will do.† I shook my head. â€Å"Feminist? Oh, no. Not Athenian women. They're about as far from feminist as you can – well, forget it. It's not really important.† Adrian did a double take. â€Å"That's it, isn't it?† He leaned toward me, and I nearly moved back†¦ but something held me where I was, something about the intensity in his eyes. â€Å"What?† I asked. He pointed at me. â€Å"You stopped yourself just now. You just dumbed it down for me.† I hesitated only a moment. â€Å"Yeah, I kind of did.† â€Å"Why?† â€Å"Because you really don't want to hear about ancient Athens, any more than you wanted to hear Brayden talk about Chaos Theory.† â€Å"That's different,† said Adrian. He hadn't moved away and was still standing so, so close to me. It seemed like that should've bothered me, but it didn't. â€Å"He's boring. You make learning fun. Like a children's book or after school special. Tell me about your†¦ um, Athenian women.† I tried not to smile. I admired his intentions here but knew he really wasn't up for a history lesson. Again, I wondered what game was going on. Why was he pretending to be interested? I tried to compose an answer that would take less than sixty seconds. â€Å"Most Athenian women weren't educated. They mostly stayed inside and were just expected to have kids and take care of the house. The most progressive women were the hetaerae. They were like entertainers and high-class prostitutes. They were educated and a little flashier. Powerful men kept their wives at home to raise children and then hung out with hetaerae for fun.† I paused, unsure if he'd followed any of that. â€Å"Like I said, it's not really important.† â€Å"I don't know,† said Adrian thoughtfully. â€Å"I find prostitutes vastly important.† â€Å"Well. How refreshing to see that things haven't changed,† a new voice cut in. We both flinched and looked up at the scowling man who had just joined us. Adrian's father had arrived.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Marriage and Family Therapy Essay

This paper will also evaluate five major themes relevant to Marriage and Family Therapy which include: ethical dilemmas in marriage and family counseling, premarital counseling qualifications of marriage and family therapists including licensure and certification. The biblical insight related to marriage and family therapy will also be explored as well as my personal reflections about this topic. History and Development of Marriage Counseling Marriage counseling was established in the early 1930’s. Counselors recognized the advantages and effectiveness of treating married couples in joined sessions. This growing appreciation for patterns of relationships in families led to numerous studies on marital conflict and dynamics and the effects on children’s development. In 1932, there were three marital clinics said to open. They worked with individuals and their difficulties adhering to traditional gender role expectations. Developed and founded in the late 1970’s was the Marriage and Family Therapy’s code of ethics which is called The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). The organization’s philosophy was that marriage and family therapy were two separate areas, each with their own histories, concepts and differing practices. (AAMFT, 2012) Introduction of Marriage and Family Counseling Counseling is to help persons understand and clarify their views of their life space, and to learn to reach their self-determined goals through meaningful, well-informed choices and through resolution or problems of an emotional or interpersonal nature. (Burks and Steffire, 1979 . Focusing on a broader field in counseling, What is Marriage and Family Counseling? Marriage and family counselors work with couples and families on a wide range of clinical problems including, but not limited to, depression, marital strife, communication, and anxiety and child-parent problems. Marriage and family counseling is not just for unhappy or struggling couples, couple’s therapy can be used proactively to strengthen bonds and to gain a better understanding of one other. In addition, before a marriage begins pre-marital counseling can help couples achieve a deeper understanding of each other and iron out differences before their wedding day. They also help families learn to solve their problems by managing their relationships effectively. Family therapists often work with individuals, the couple and parents and children to get a better perspective of patterns that affect the entire system to develop strategies for modification. (Corey, Corey ;amp; Callanan p. 450 2011). Family Counseling is important to the counseling field this therapy can help people within the family to resolve their disputes and quarrels through effective communication. Proper communication with the help of a therapist or a counselor can help family members discuss their problems and issues with each other. The importance of the family in our development as whole and healthy individuals is recognized as a basic truth by. In most cases, however, a disturbed and distressed client will have some difficult, challenging relationships within his/her family and these will need to be explored and addressed if the client is to discover and create relief and resolution of their problem. Biblical Insights related to Marriage and Family Therapy In the book, Competent Christian Counseling it states that â€Å"To understand the individual, the one must see the individual in the context of his or her system of relationships† This implies that the quality of a individual is much more than one person, the person is a part of a social system that begins with family. (Clinton ;amp; Ohlsclager p. 518 2002). From a biblical aspect Family is described as a social system that progressed by forming a set of rules, roles, power structure. Forms of communication and way to solve problems. There are four key principles that a Christian counselors point out when approaching any family. The first one is â€Å"The family, in is social dimensions, reflects God†. Meaning that The Father, Son and Holy Spirit all have unique distinctiveness however they are â€Å"one† as God; this is compared to the Family. A family can consist of a mother, father and children or a mother and husband. If thought they are their own persons, they are considered â€Å"one†. The second key principle that is describe is â€Å"Family health, individual health, and maturity are inseparably entwined†. This key principle entails that the powers of family identity and socialization is significant for growth and development among each family member, which can ultimately lead to healthy family living. â€Å"The Family is also like the church is that next basic principle, meaning that a family has functions like the church. Finally, the last key principle describes states that â€Å"Trouble is reproduced, but can also be stopped, in families and in generations of families†. This key principle indicates that there is a psychosocial and spiritual relation among family reproduction pertaining to alcoholism and other issues as describes in Competent Christian Counseling as â€Å"generational curses†. Christians believe that these issues within families from generation to generation can be transformed through Christ. A example is that of Abraham found in Genesis 20. Abrahams family was said to show favoritism to certain children, which continued for three generations. When it comes to marriage counseling, Christian counselors believe marriage counseling helps couples to understand God’s pattern for husband-wife relationships, diagnoses unbiblical patterns and their root causes, and prescribes God’s solutions for soul change that leads to relational growth. Biblical marriage counseling should result in enhanced relationship: closeness with Christ, intimacy with your spouse, and a sense of greater peace. Biblical insights involving to family counseling, the focus is solutions, not simply external solutions. Your counselor will help you to understand God’s design for healthy family living, will assist you to assess unhealthy and unbiblical ways of relating as parents and children, and will equip you to reconcile and grow in your family relationships. Counselor Identity, Functions and Ethics of Marriage and Family Counseling The practice of Marriage and Family counseling rest on the foundation of systems theory, which views psychological problems as arising from within the person’s present environment and intergenerational family system. Corey, Corey, Callanan p. 449 2011). The systems theory is very similar to the views on Christian Counselors as stated earlier; â€Å"Trouble is reproduced, but can also be stopped, in families and in generations of families†. Marriage and Family therapists follow a specific code of ethics know as The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). Founded in 1942 as the American Association of Marriage Counselors, the A AMFT has been involved with the problems, needs and changing patterns of couples and family relationships. The association focuses on increasing understanding, research and education in the field of marriage and family therapy, and ensuring the quality training of marriage and family therapists. AAMFT members meet standards for education and training and are held to the ethical standards of the profession. (AAMFT, 2011) AAMFT ethics are broken down in eight core areas. The first area is the responsibility to Clients. Marriage and family therapist have a responsibility to the welfare of both the family and individuals in the family. Therapists are to make reasonable efforts to guarantee their services are used properly and accordingly. Confidentiality is the next core area, which applies to all code of ethics pertaining to the counseling field. Confidentially in Marriage and Family is distinctive because the therapist is dealing with a group of people. However, the AAMFT insist on therapists to respect the confidentiality of each individual client. Although, confidentiality is essential, there are some exceptions. Those exceptions include, mandates by the law pertaining to cases of child and elderly abuse, incest, or abuse to persons with disabilities. A therapist has an exemption from confidentially when it is necessary to protect clients from hurting themselves and others (AAMFT, 2011). When working with a family, all family members must agree concerning the release of any information. Some therapists, in fact, arrange for sessions with individual family members to actively encourage the sharing of â€Å"secrets† to better understand what is occurring in the family. The therapist then may work with the individual client in the hope of enabling that person to disclose the same information in the family session. Marriage and family therapists are to maintain high standards if professional competence and integrity. Therapists must remain current on any developments and advances relevant to their field of practice. They can do this by continuing education, training, workshops and interacting with other professionals in the marriage and family therapy field. (Corey, Corey ;amp; Callanan p. 452 2011). Therapists also have a responsibility to students and supervisees. They are not to manipulate the trust and dependency of the students and supervisees in which there are working with. Responsibility to the profession is the next core is in the AAMFT code of ethics. This includes reporting people practicing without a license and contributing to community service for advancement of the society. The next core area is financial arrangements. Marriage and family therapists are not to misuse clients financially for services. Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions states that clients are to be â€Å"truthful in representing facts to clients and to third parties regarding any services rendered†. The last core area in the ethical standards of Marriage and family therapy is advertising. Therapists are able to truthfully represent their competence, education, training and experience in marriage and family therapy. Nevertheless, they should not advertise themselves as specialists with show evidence and supporting this assertion. The therapist’s primary responsibilities are to protect the rights and to promote the welfare of his or her clients. The dilemma with multiple clients is that in some situations an intervention that serves one person’s best interests may be conflicting to another. Indeed, the very reason that families tend to seek therapy is because they have conflicting goals and interests. The family therapist must insure that improvement in the status of one family member does not Occur at the expense of another family member. Other therapists implement the policy of not keeping secrets from other family members. They clearly discourage the sharing of any information that might lead to a special alliance with one individual and that excludes the remaining uninformed family members. The impact of the therapist’s values, unavoidable in any counseling process, can play a particularly role in marriage and family therapies. Issues discussed in family therapy elicit very important personal, familial, and societal values regarding preservation of the family system, extramarital relationships, and sex roles. Dealing with these values is not easy, particularly when the therapist confronts a conflict in values among different family members and is inclined to reinforce the beliefs and attitudes of one family member over another (Hines & Hare p. 65 1978). Premarital Counseling Couples now face more demands and have fewer supports than ever before. The typical complex marriage includes managing two careers while rearing children – really requires that couples have very strong, well-established abilities to communicate, resolve issues, maintain support and set goals. Without this foundation, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by stress and time pressures . Problems can intrude much more easily than most couples realize. Therefore, premarital counseling is recommended for couples looking to eventually get married. Research shows that premarital counseling reduces the risk of divorce by up to 30% . Premarital counseling is a type of therapy that helps couples prepare for marriage. Premarital counseling can help ensure that you and your partner have a strong, healthy relationship, giving you a better chance for a stable and satisfying marriage. Premarital counseling can also help you identify weaknesses that could become bigger problems during marriage. There are a variety of formats of counseling through local psychology and counseling centers, including individual counseling, small group counseling and interactive seminars where couples participate with a large number of other couples. (Wright p. 65 1992) Characteristics and Qualifications of Marriage and Family Therapists To be qualified as a marriage and family therapist requires not just that you get the right degree, pass the right tests and meet the licensing requirements, but that you possess qualities that prove you to be both sensitive and firm. Corey, Corey and Callanan in Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions identifies personal characteristics for effective marriage and family therapists as being assertive, confident, accepting, appreciating the influence of diversity to just name a few. Self knowledge is predominantly vital for marriage and family therapists because when working with a family, their reactions and perceptions are influenced by their own regard to family of origin issues. Marriage and Family Therapists must be sensitive to dealing with people’s most personal and graphic secrets, shame, guilt and rage. A Marriage and Family therapist should be embarrassed to hear about these things or make distasteful comments about a chosen lifestyle or action, otherwise she risks shutting out the patient. An effective marriage and family therapists must listen to stories that are painful to hear but should remember that those stories are always more painful for the teller than the listener. An important quality in an marriage and family therapists is recognizing the difference between judging and advising. A good marriage and family therapist will help the patient with insights into sensible decisions that lead to greater personal happiness and responsibility but will not tell the patient what choice to make or ask the patient to adhere to the therapist’s own likes and dislikes. An marriage and family therapist should distinguish between dysfunctional qualities in a patient and those that are simply non-normative. Marriage and family therapists may hear confessions of illegal activity or hear from the victims of crimes, and legal codes dictate what they have to report. A therapist’s job is not just to listen but to encourage the patient to take action in his life to get the patient to see their actions in a clear light and make good decisions in turn. Marriage and family therapist can become eligible for state certification, or licensure, upon completion of their internship. First, candidates must register with the Association of Marital and Therapy Regulatory Boards. The Regulatory board will examine the applicant’s credentials, education and experience to establish competency before the applicant can qualify for testing. State certification costs vary from state to state. Each state has different rules regarding retesting if the candidate does not pass the test on his or her first attempt. Upon completion of the test, scores are validated and mailed to the candidate. A candidate who has passed the state exam is called a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and is free to practice in a private or clinical setting. The educational requirements to become a Marriage and Family Therapist are regulated by each state and thus may vary; however, most will require a master’s degree or higher in Marriage and Family Therapy or a related field from an accredited institution. It is essential for students to gain experience in working with a selection of families from different ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. A program that offers a all-inclusive course work and clinical supervision provides the ideal learning situation. Corey, Corey & Callanan p. 457 2011) Ethical Dilemmas is Marriage and Family Counseling Couples counselors and family and marriage therapists are likely to encounter many ethical dilemmas throughout their careers. Because of the nature of couple’s therapy, issues pertaining to informed consent, confidentiality, multiple relationships, and value systems can have a damaging effect of the counselor-client relationship if they aren’t handled appropriately and dis cussed by both parties at the beginning of the counseling relationship. Informed consent refers to the process of informing clients about the therapeutic process. Issues such as fees and payment schedules, appointment cancellation policy, theoretical framework that the counselor employs in his practice, approaches and techniques the counselor intends to use with clients and the limits of confidentiality should all be discussed. In addition to discussing verbal consultation, clients also should be given an informed consent package detailing all the information discussed in session. Clients should be asked to sign an informed consent document for both the client and counselor’s records. In couple’s counseling, informed consent prevents misunderstandings, disagreements and hostility between the counselor and the client. (AAMFT, 2011) One of the biggest ethical dilemmas in any kind of counseling is confidentiality. This is particularly complicated when it comes to couples counseling in which couples receive both individual and couple counseling. It is important for the counselor to determine early on in the counseling process whether information disclosed in individual counseling sessions will be kept confidential or if both individuals will sign waivers allowing what’s discussed in private sessions to be brought up in couples counseling. According to the AAMFT Code of Ethics, counselors must discuss the limits of confidentiality with their clients and make sure clients understand these limits. Article 2. of the AAMFT Code of Ethics states that â€Å"marriage and family therapists do not disclose client confidences except by written authorization or waiver, or where mandated or permitted by law. Verbal authorization will not be sufficient except in emergency situations, unless prohibited by law. When providing couple, family or group treatment, the therapist does not disclose information outside the treatment context without a written authorization from each individual competent to execute a waiver. In the context of couple, family or group treatment, the therapist may not reveal any individual’s confidences to others in the client unit without the prior written permission of that individual. † (AAMFT, 2011) In counseling, multiple relationships refer to a situation when the counselor and client are engaged in a sexual or nonsexual relationship outside the counseling relationship. Multiple relationships are often unavoidable, especially in small towns; as a counselor, you may attend the same church as your clients, your children might be on the same soccer team or you may serve on the same board or council. However, multiple relationships should always be avoided when possible. In couples counseling, multiple relationships can further complicate the counseling relationship if the counselor is involved in a multiple relationship with one client but not the other. The client that is not involved in the multiple relationships may feel that the counselor is taking sides or treating her unfairly. (Corey, Corey ;amp; Callanan 2011) At some point in their careers, counselors are likely to encounter couples with a value and belief system that differs significantly from their own. Within the counseling relationship, the counselor has a position of authority; the counselor must not take advantage of this position by trying to impose his values on the client or clients. Counselors must understand that individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities and religions than their own may have different value systems. It is not the counselor’s job to change his client’s value system; it is only the counselor’s job to help clients become comfortable with the decisions they make within their personal value systems. Article 1. of the AAMFT Code of ethics states that â€Å"marriage and family counselors respect the rights of clients to make decisions and help them to understand the consequences of these decisions. (AAMFT, 2011). Personal Reflections In today’s world more and more people are experiencing life struggles when it comes to family. These issues can range from problems in a marriage, how to deal with your children issues and understand yourself and how to deal with your family and certain issues. The area of marriage and family counseling/therapy has had an outbreak over the past decade. The counselors are expected to work effectively with families experiencing a variety of issues and problems. In marriage and family therapy/counseling there are so many different types of techniques that are out there but should be used and looked upon not a cure, but a method to help mobilize the family. Choosing this topic wasn’t hard for me because of the love I have my family and evaluating what I believe needs to be repaired and what I believe stands strong for us. I believe in saving marriages and families, I think it is really important. Having strong family and a stable marriage plays such a major part in kids lives today, they need a solid foundation in order to have a healthy life. Watching so many young couples get divorce after less than two years of marriage and seeing how the kids suffer really from the break up of the family. I believe that if younger therapist/counselors were out there and start getting involved in the community, church and conducting seminars relating to marriage and families this could be the beginning of change. This is why I chose this topic to research.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Investment - Essay Example It has often been said that some investment types such as unit trusts are more profitable as compared others such as open ended investment companies (Atrill & Elliot 2005). In this paper we critically review this assertion by looking at literature on the subject of different investment types. The paper begins by providing an overview on the various investment types and afterwards concentrates on evaluating which one is a better investment vehicle by weighing their advantages and disadvantages with respect to their various tax implications. The rest of the paper is organised as follows: section 2 presents an overview of the various investment types focusing on their advantages and disadvantages as an investment vehicle; section 3 provides an overview of these same investment types but this time paying attention on their various tax implication, section 4 presents a brief summary of both investment vehicles as well as some empirical evidence on the performance of some of these investme nts; while the last section presents some concluding remarks. In finance, Investors typically faced two challenging questions. How much to invest? And where to invest (Berlin & Lexa 2005, Brealey & Myers 2005). These are some of the pertinent issues this paper seeks to address. By examining the various investment options available to potential investors. By the end of this paper, we intend to make important conclusion and recommendation as to the best investment option. 2.0 Types of investment products with advantages and disadvantages Globalisation, the new information technology, and deregulation of financial markets have eased not only the provision and search of finance but investment opportunities open to investors. Millions of shares are traded every day on the world's stock markets. (Penman, 2003). Investors who trade on these stocks are often forced to ask themselves whether they are buying or selling at the right price. (Penman, 2003). They often attempt to provide answers to these questions by turning to various media including internet chat rooms, printed press, "talking heads" on television and financial networks, who often voice opinions on what they feel the stock prices should be. (Penman, 2003). In addition, investors consult investment analysts who provide an almost endless stream of information and recommendations investment options opened to them to sort out. There are often claims that some shares are undervalued and vice versa. (Penman, 2003, Shapiro 2003, Ross et al. 1999). This information pertaining to the various investment options at times becomes confusing leaving the investor with no clear indication of what the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Zirconium Oxide Manufacturing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Zirconium Oxide Manufacturing - Essay Example The essay "Zirconium Oxide Manufacturing" talks about the zirconium oxide characteristics that allow it to be a refractory insulating material, industrial manufacture of crucibles and production of alkaline zirconate. The essay also describes the process and routes for industrial manufacture of Zirconium oxide including chlorination, alkali decomposition, lime fusion and precipitation of the acidic reagents. Zirconium is usually obtained from sand as a raw material for the production of zirconium oxide. The zirconium sand is calcined with either lime or a mixture of lime and magnesia. The resulting product is an alkaline earth zirconate and sodium silicate and zirconium oxide can be recovered from sodium zirconate free from alkalis to obtain it in its pure form, the impurities must be removed first. Water is added to the mixture of Sodium silicate and sodium zirconate which are in solid form and this result in the formation of a complex hydrated zirconium hydroxide with a high level of alkalinity. In order to separate the salts, the process of precipitation is conducted using sodium either sodium oxide or sodium carbonate and these results in the formation of zirconium hydroxide and from the hydroxide of zirconium, zirconium oxide can be obtained. Therefore, it's possible to achieve an energy efficient system that can be used to manufacture Zirconium oxide in and industry and this requires that the proper temperature and time period is maintained for the reactions to take place effectively.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Comparison of cultural contact between 2 books, black robe(brian Essay

Comparison of cultural contact between 2 books, black robe(brian moore) & things fall apart(chinua achebe) - Essay Example Initially planned as journey against hunger, exhaustion and cold, the mission ends up fueled by suspicious beliefs and hostility provoked in the local tribes. The focal moment and central theme in Black Robe is the clash between two different cultures. Moore (1997) explores the complexities of utterly divergent cultures and tries to juxtapose them on the background of historical events happening at the beginning of 17th century Canada. Moore (1997) attempts to give new understandings about both cultures. For Native Indians, baptism is â€Å"water sorcery†. To pray over beads would mean to put a curse of someone. To the savages the idea to have only one God is absurd. For the Jesuits, on the other hand the Indians appear barbaric and uncontrollable. Their religion is surrounded with sorcerers and superstitions. The way they observe and follow their customs are bloodthirsty. What Moore (1997) reveals in front of the reader is two cultures that are diametrically different. The Indian way of life and religion is frightenly dissimilar to the Western culture of Laforgue. The attempts from both sides to reach out for each other are direct ed by mutual incomprehension. Overcoming to grasp the different thinking and customs of each culture is the theme of the whole novel. The language barrier is not so difficult an obstacle than to understand the other. Both cultures test their beliefs in their contact of the contrasting culture. Moore (1997) best describes this in the Introduction of the novel: The Indian belief in a world of night and in the power of dreams clashed with the Jesuits preachments of Christianity and a paradise after death.   This novel is an attempt to show that each of these beliefs inspired in the other fear, hostility, and despair, which later would result in the destruction and abandonment of the Jesuit missions, and the conquest of the Huron people by the Iroquois, their deadly enemy. Things Fall Apart, is an African

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Public Spending Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Public Spending - Essay Example The public expenditure was raised in the 20th century due to the impact of the world wars. Before the World War I, the public expenditure was about 15% of the GDP. After the war it appeared to be about 25% of the GDP and maintained the level in the next few years. It did change during the starting phase of depression in the economic conditions (Chantrill, 2010). After the World War II, the public expenditure had increased and it was budgeted to consume 35% of the GDP and this level was retained till 1950s. The public expenditure was slowly raised in the year 1960 and it increased in early 1980s consuming about 45% of the GDP (Chantrill, 2010). Public expenditure rose by 0.7 percent of the GDP from 1999-2008. A decade ago, according to the OECD statistics, UK public spending was registered at 8.7 percent of the GDP below the Euro area average. By 2008, this figure had been registered at 1.3 percent below the Euro area average (IOD, 2008). There were lot of instability in the public expending regarding the defence system. The spending in defence expense was increased before the World War II. 3.5% of the GDP was used in defence spending in the year 1935 and reached to 15.9% in 1939. After the commencement of the World War II, the British Government started to assemble most of its resources for the war. The expenditure was over 40% of the GDP on the defence system for four years and it was raised to 46.37% of GDP in 1943 (Chantrill, 2010). The public expenditure in development of the state of education was expanded from 2% of GDP in 1990 to 6% of GDP in the second decade of 21st century. The spending in this sector has been increased to 3.37% of GDP in 1955. During the starting phase of 1956 the spending was increased rapidly and it accounted to 4% of GDP in 1960 and 6.5% of GDP in 1975 (Chantrill, 2010). There has been a decrease in the spending during the period of 1970 to 1980. In 1989 it reached to 4.25%

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Research Article Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research Article Critique - Essay Example e other paper is a quantitative research entitled, â€Å"Dance and Movement Program Improves Quality-of-Life Measures in Breast Cancer Survivors.† The qualitative research discusses the perceptions of incurable cancer patients about the quality of life at the end of life. The quantitative research discusses how dance and movement improves the quality of life of breast cancer survivors. This critique breaks down the different parts of the paper according to the critique guidelines set by Burns and Grove and by other nursing research authorities. It reviews the process of research which includes the problems and purposes, hypothesis, variables, literature review, framework of the study, study design, adequacy of the samples, directness of measurement, measurement of error, level of measurement, reliability and validity, statistical tests, findings, and implications. These elements shall be reviewed in terms of their adequacy, clarity, and completeness in answering the research q uestion posed by the papers. In the qualitative research, the research problem was clearly explained and stated in the introductory paragraph. The researchers explained how the problem came about and why they saw a need for the research to be conducted (Polit & Beck, 1997; Burns & Grove, 2001). The problem chosen is significant to nursing because it provides new ideas on how to care for the incurable cancer patient. The quantitative research also clearly stated the research problem and purpose in the introductory paragraph. After discussing the background of the study, the paper stated clearly the purpose and research problem. The problem is very much significant to nursing practice because it offers interventions on how to improve the quality of life of the cancer patient (Polit & Beck, 1997; Burns & Grove, 2001). In the qualitative research, the research objectives were incorporated in the study background. There was a smooth and easily comprehensible flow of thought from the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 7

Business Ethics - Essay Example the CEO’s statement, of giving the employees the liberty to choose whether or not they would like to wear the protective clothing are not ethical neither is it a right choice on moral grounds. There are numerous chemicals used on a daily basis and in some of the cases there is a high majority the use of the chemicals and the effects of the chemical in terms of immediate or even long term is not recognized. Being a CEO of a chemical company, it is essential and mandatory for them to consider the possible issues that will be faced by the employees in the company. a) Whether Overtime is hazardous to health and the working environment: Based on the utilitarian theory and ethical concepts, it is seen that overtime is not very beneficial for any employee especially not in a chemicals industry (Blum, 1993). The effects of the chemicals are very high in the normal eight hours job basically. So leaving it for the employees to choose on whether or not to work for higher number of hours is not ethical. It is not even a choice based on the moral grounds and it is necessary that the CEO take up the responsibility to make sure that the employees have a fixed number of hours of work every week. Being a leader for an industry the CEO is expected to be aware of the damages that the chemicals can cause the employees in the time they are exposed to the chemicals, hence it is necessary that the CEO on humanitarian grounds at least ensures that the employees are not permitted to work for higher hours. Also it is the responsibility of the top management to brin g in the rules and regulations in the company where the employees need to wear on the protective clothing during the shift hours and at all time while dealing with the chemicals. This should be the case not only for the harmful chemicals but for all chemicals irrespective of the degree of damage it could cause to the employee handling it (Blum, 1993). Although it has been clear from researches and studies that the amount of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

In the Time of the Butterflies - the Main Ideas Movie Review

In the Time of the Butterflies - the Main Ideas - Movie Review Example Minerva, played by Salma Hayek in the movie In the Time of the Butterflies, was invited to dance with Trujillo. During their dance, Trujillo elicited an indecent proposal to Minerva, which she declined by slapping Trujillo in the middle of the crowd, and she then walked out. The next morning, her father sent a letter of apology to Trujillo, but it was not accepted, and her father was imprisoned along with the killings of their relatives. Minerva wanted to take revenge, and in the course, she met Lio, played by Mark Anthony, who was studying law. However, Trujillo did not stop pursuing Minerva, and when she decided to study law, Trujillo made her entrance to schools difficult. With this on hand, Minerva created a deal with Trujillo, and in the long run, she was able to graduate from law school. Even so, she was not able to get her license and practice. In the wake of her desperation, she was offered by Trujillo to sleep with him, and in return, he will leave her family at peace. Howev er, Minerva declined the offer, and she and her sisters decided to fight alongside the anti-Trujillo group where they were known as the Butterflies. After tiring himself from pursuing Minerva, Trujillo ordered for the death of the Mirabal sisters and covered it as a car accident. The Dominican Republic was once governed by Trujillo, who is an authoritarian dictator from 1930 to 1947. He was able to control and train the police and the army during his regime in order to exercise power over those who resisted his dictatorship. For this reason, many of those who were against Trujillo went underground in order to escape the hunt by Trujillo’s army. This is one of the themes of the movie, the cruelty, and the resistance during the time of Trujillo.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Childhood Essay Essay Example for Free

Childhood Essay Essay Natural growth is the child-rearing method that working class and poor parents use to raise their children because there is not a lot of time and money for structured activities and long verbal discussions with the children (Lareau, 2003). Families who practice natural growth child rearing practices need to focus on providing the simpler needs of the child like providing shelter, clothing, food, and water therefore unable to have the structured activities and worry about establishing communication skills. This is important to consider because the way children are raised because this has a social impact. The children that are being raised today will eventually grow up to be a part of their own society; there are social impacts on the current society because of the methods of child-rearing and the consequences that these child-rearing practices are having on children with the way they interact in society, There are benefits and disadvantages to both childrearing methods reported by Lareau (2010) however there are definitive differences in the child’s outcome due to the child’s social class and thus the method the child was raised with. In concerted cultivation children spend a lot of time with adults at structured activities and so they start to communicate with adults as relative equals. The children of concerted cultivation also have longer and more reasoning conversations with their parents which leads them to the sense of entitlement when dealing with institutions (Lareau, 2003). Children raised with concerted cultivation had a larger group of language skills than children raised with natural growth because they communicate longer and more often with adults. This leads to children raised with concerted cultivation having the ability to manipulate rules and thus deal with institutions easier than those of natural growth, however they also have issues figuring out how to occupy their time because they did not often do â€Å"free play† (Lareau, 2003). The children that are raised with natural growth have less communication skills simply because they have less experience talking to adults (Lareau, 2003). Parents of natural growth have to worry about putting food on the table and taking care of many basic needs so when the children are spoken to its often in short direct phrases, without any room for questioning or discussing. The children who are raised with natural growth also do not have that much time spent in structured activities with adults as the children of concerted cultivation (Lareau, 2003). The children who are raised with natural growth developed what Lareau (2003) reported as constraint. Constraint was the disadvantage that natural growth children experience because of their lack of communication skills and the subordination they felt to adults. Children raised with natural growth absorbed their parents feelings of powerlessness with institutions and learned to distrust authority. These differences tend to perpetuate themselves when it comes to differences in child rearing because what class a child is raised in impacts his/her life and then when that child grows up and has children of their own the child rearing practice will most likely be used again if the child grows up to live in the same social class. It is a cycle that continues throughout generations because children usually grow up to be in the same social class they were born into and since the child rearing practices are social class based primarily the children will raise their children as they were raised. After reading Lareau’s (2003) case study I had to do some reflection to figure out with method of child-rearing it was that I was raised in. My family has crossed the line from middle class to working class several times through my childhood, but predominately I feel as if I have been raised using concerted cultivation. My mother and father separated by the time I was seven years old. While at times living with my mother basic necessities were hard to come by because of her poor management of finances, my father always was middle class (I lived with him permanently from age 15 on) and I feel as if I have been raised a middle class child. Since, I was younger I now realize I was active in many structured activities such as: ballet, tap, jazz, girl scouts, youth group at church, choir, bell choir, church plays, cheerleading, cross-country, track, and swim team. Although I did not always think of the activities I participated in to be particularly hard on my family at the time I now realize with my brother, two sisters, and all of their activates my mother must have found it very hard to transport us all to our different activities. The number of activities I was involved in during my childhood shows proof of my upbringing being concerted cultivation because one of the characteristics of being raised with concerted cultivation is a lot of structured activities such as the ones I participated in (Lareau, 2003). Another concept of concerted cultivation which I know I have also be blessed with in my child-rearing is the better communication skills due to long discussions and reasoning with my parents (Lareau, 2003). Both of my parents have always encouraged my sisters, brother, and me to talk openly and voice our opinions. I did not realized it growing up, but now I understand that the lengthy communications I had with my parents enabled me to have a larger vocabulary, good communication skills, and feel comfortable when talking to authority or adults from institutions. The sense of entitlement I feel due to my middle class upbringing makes sense because of the amount of time I spent in structured activities with adults (Lareau, 2003). The time I spent with adults as a child and the way I spoke to them made them relative equals in my perspective. This is an advantage of having a concerted cultivation middle class upbringing because I do not mistrust authority or feel subordinate to intuitions, on the contrary I feel as if they are to serve me and that I can work with institutions to get both my and the institutions needs met. It makes sense that my entitlement feelings allow me to perform well in college and to communication effectively with all professors or staff at the college because of the experience I had dealing with institutions when I was younger. Another concept of concerted cultivation that I have experienced in childhood has to do with social connections. Much like Lareau’s (2003) case study has reported concerted cultivation raised children had weak ties with their extended family. This is true in my upbringing because while I love and sometimes talk to my extended family I seldom see them or would by any means categorize our relationships as strong kinship ties (Lareau, 2003). This I feel has been an unfortunate result of concerted cultivation because I see how some of my other cousins behave towards each other as they are so close talking everyday and meet several times a week for lunch or dinner. I feel this is sad because while I would love to have stronger ties with my extended family I realize it is not a part of the way I was brought up because of my middleclass child-rearing. The concept of my social connections often being mostly in homogenous age groups as a child is very accurate (Lareau, 2003). Because of the activities I participated in and the area in which I lived and went to school I predominately have friendships through activities with children much like I was at the time.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Providing an Enabling Environment for Children

Providing an Enabling Environment for Children Environment plays an important role in a childs development and learning. Childs experience at early age constitutes a major influence on his / her life in the future changes. Assurance, safety and a happy childhood is important. This provides a foundation for children reveal skills and talents as they get older. It is important to understand how each aspect of the environment influences the childs life. Favorable environment encourages play, because children feel comfortable and relaxed. When children feel emotionally safe and secure, they are able to explore and find out about the place where they are and the things they can see, touch, manipulate or maneuver. Children develop and learn in the environment where their individual needs are expressed, as well as the relationships between the employees and them are positive. Positive environment helps a child to become independent and gain confidence in learning new skills and also achieve a sense of dependency. Environment is characterized by three aspects. Its emotional environment, outdoor environment and indoor environment. These three aspects are the context for games and learning. The emotional environment is more than a physical space. This is because children share emotions as well as parents and members of staff. The emotional environment is an invisible tool to assess feelings. Sometimes it can be a feel-good factor when all the people in that environment feels good. And for others it may not pose such a positive feelings in an environment where people don`t feel happy. It is important to maintain positive feelings and tightened feel safe emotional environment, because if children feel safe and equally, they can express feelings in a safe knowledge and they know that their employees or parents are near and ready to help. The ways to teach children in which they speak and express feelings, allowing them visually express it safely, rather than hold tight it to yourself and leave it a s a secret. It is important to express feelings safely and it can be easier resolved than those who remain unresolved. Lets talk about outdoor and indoor environments. So generous indoor environment has a direct impact on childrens learning and development quality. Comfortable, interesting and attractive interior environment which is suitable for use by children is known as a rich environment. This is the environment which becomes a second home for a child. There they sleep, play, eat or spend time by doing something else. Suitable environment is slightly different from the childs age. For example, for a group ofchildren under two years old, is three and a half square meters of space per child required and from two to three-year-old c hild needs just two and a half square meters of space required. But I will discuss it more detailed a bit later. Most importantly, the environment where children feel happy and secure. Inside area must be carefully planned in order to accommodate a flexible and changing for child`s needs and interests. Resources should be of the highest quality. Such as drawing tools, t oys or books. A significant benefit is learning outdoor. Ideal conditions, when the children have the opportunity to be outdoors every day, except when weather conditions are not favorable enough. Well, while they are out children are free to move, to breathe clean and fresh air and use all senses like sounds, colors, spaces and a sense of scale. The trust being outside is growing and by support children have the opportunity to play wide, to explain the problems and develop creativity with other children. Physical activity in outdoor environment is enhanced. Well, and the resources do not need to be expensive. This can be logs, boxes, old tires or anything else that encourages imagination and creativity using these resources in different ways. A good idea would be to establish a place of nature in where trees grow or can be ability to plant flowers. This creates greater contact with the natural world. Outdoor environment supports active learning. When this is combined with a peacefu l place for reflection, it can really improve the lives of children. Lets move on to the next important issue. This is a safe but challenging environment. What is it and what it brings to children? I will discuss the factors you need to consider when planning a safe but challenging environment. The meaning is that the child must be safe, but has a challenging environment. Because it increases the life skills which has a positive impact on all aspects of development. Creating an environment child increases self-confidence and allows him / her to see the deeper perspectives of life decisions. It is vitally important to have a safe environment in preventing incidents and reducing the risk. Parents do not need to worry about any hazard but feel calm. Each activity involves certain risks and the likelihood of children must learn how to deal with it. They need to see and survive, suffer the consequences, when absent careful. It is important to teach children to accept personal risk assessment and think about the possible consequences of their actions. Adult s should teach children safely use the equipment. It is important to protect children from harm and danger conscious when allowed to develop independently. We are surrounded by hazards and risk, so we need to evaluate risk. The environment risk in the setting is minimal, but it is important to know. What is the difference between risk and hazard is easy to understand. This is a concept which is the relationship between. So, there is a potential risk of injury causes and risk of injury is more likely. If all other factors are equal, in particular position of people and entities to, then the risk is proportional to the degree of risk. Nevertheless, all other factors are very rarely equal. The risk of doing something that has a chance of bad development. A hazard is something that is a bad influence on the development. As we see the difference between these two concepts are not big because they influence each other. This means that the chance to influence the risk of an event or a caus e is 50:50. The danger is that what influences incident such as liquid spills on the floor. It is very important for risk assessment. This work, which has a potential to cause injury to people needs careful observation. There are five basic steps that will help to assess the hazards in the work environment. The first thing to identify, characterize, and then find out how to deal with who can be injured. The third step is to remove risk precautionary decision. Fourth step and record the findings of their realization and evaluation and finally review and update if necessary. I will tell an example of how to manage the risk assessment. So, there are people who are reported to risk assessments. This can be a room leader. Hazards such as subsidence due to the mess is resolved simply by removing toys from the floor, when not in use. Also mats are cleaned every day and spills immediately cleared. Wash the bedding at least once a week and given to the appropriate child. Managers will advise what the potential risks are. A big plus is to hold meetings and discuss about it. Everyone who works in the nursery is responsible for security. Observation at changing conditions of risk assessment is needed. If you noticed a dangerous situation, it is necessary to report it. As we can clearly see, the practitioner`s role is important. Lets start from the environment. A practitioner has to monitor the environment, develo it to be advantageous. This person must create environment for the child which promotes the childs development. This staff member has to provide a positive environment for all childrens needs including physical, language, emotional and social. Environment must take individual needs of the child, stimulate, provide opportunities for any type of games and activities. It must also meet the positive social interaction and physical development. When the children are older, the practitioner can help children understand how they can protect themselves, how to comply with the safety requirements, and what they do. I will speak more about this a little bit later. The emotional environment provides an ability for children to express their feelings, they are more likely to explore the knowledge and feel safe. So practitioner should encourage a child ren to express their feelings and allow them to talk and develop active listening skills. A practitioner has a very important role on daily activities. There are other people who are great assistance. Including General manager, health visitor, a pediatrician, social workers, dentists, psychotherapists, speech and language therapist, emergency service and other agencies, such as Ofsted. A brief description of the main responsibilities of a teacher or a health visitor is that those people managers you. Health and safety officer monitors and provides procedures for records and reports. Local manager makes decitions on the removal of barriers of health and safety. And as I said all employees report any information relating to health and safety. Well, on health and safety issues employees have many duties and responsibilities. An employee takes care of the safety of children while they are playing, also draws attention to the room lighting, furniture, security, hot seasons arrange for th e safety of children, such as put suncream when children go outside, advised to wear hats and so. Also, as I mentioned earlier worker prepares records, evaluate safety. Potential hazards to health, safety and protection of the work environment is diverse, including lighting, temperature, tired rooms, ventilation, toleto premises and the like. Then the employee starts work he / she must be informed about health, safety and security procedures. He / she must report about their individual needs, desires, preferences and choices. This is in order to ensure safety. It is important to act in accordance with the role and limits the personal liability of relations to solve health and safety issues when necessary. No less important aspect is the report on health and safety issues and let the right people to complete the safety and health records according to legal and organizational requirements. Risk reduction and work with others is necessary in order to minimize the risk of potential risk s in the setting. The employee must ensure that their personal health and hygiene is not a threat to others. Similarly, a person working in the nursery must ensure that the right people aware of his whereabouts at all times. Health hazards and safety inspection and security risks at work is required in taking appropriate action if there were expected incident, injury or trauma. Health and safety is the most important factor speculating the appropriate environment for learning and development. Let`s have a look at regulatory requirements that must be followed for the organization of the environment for children. As I mentioned, all suppliers are required to perform the requirements of space environment, as well as the proportion of workers. These requirements shall be calculated with Ofsted, the place registered and they give the maximum allowed number of children to be in the setting at the same time. The staff coefficient ensures the safety of children, as well as children can be o bserved in their surroundings. As I wrote earlier calculate the area of child age groups takes an important part. Children under two years of age must have a three and a half square meter for each child group located. Also, children of this age group have at least one qualified employee with level 3 of child care and at least half of the staff trained to work with babies and children up to two years. And also three children through ratio has at least one qualified personnel. A group of children from two to three years through ratio four children have at least one qualified employee. Children in the age group of three years and older are required by a qualified worker for eight children and one child found the space of two and three-tenths square meters. Indoor environment of children from birth to three years should have an ability to monitor older children and that is how children get the social and emotional development. Well, from three to five years age group rooms could be repl aced by a script of play and exploration. Well, and the outdoor environment is also different for children ages recommendations. The main thing is the social, intellectual, physical and emotional development. It is recommended to use safety equipment such as protective plug sockets, radiator protection, window protection, locked gates, high chair or stair gate. When planning the organizations environment all fire exits should be kept clean, the furniture does not interfere with the children, a place for children to sleep should be separate and most importantly, all the areas should be visible to the employee. There are laws to be respected. These are the basic laws. First is Health and Safety at work act, 1974 which provides a framework for ensuring the health and safety of all employees in any work activity. Next one is Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations ( COSHH) and these regulations require employers to assess and prevent the risks to health from use of any haz ardous substances used in workplace. So obligations to employers are to assess the risks, decide what precautions are needed, ensure that control measures are utilised and maintained, monitor exposure, etc. and the other regulations which are designed to bring the United Kingdom into line with European laws are The Healt and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR), Fire Precaution (Workplace) Regulations 1997 and The Food Handling Regulations 1995. Security controlled actions must be such as: supervised who have a right to be in that environment, used to validate the methods and procedures when there is a risk of potentially promising activity, including the correct movement and storage techniques wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment. It is important to take appropriate and immediate action. Such as the use and storage of equipment and materials, when you want to deal with such things as spills or debris dispositive. These examples require hygiene. Finally, it would be a good idea to include grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives. It shows respect for the individual needs of children and families and combines their characteristics and communication with members. This will also helps to feel at home as well as allowing to settle and explore. The wider community also plays an important role in childrens learning and development. When a child is determined by what he / she needs to, other professionals are vital to their care, training and development, and they are ready work with other professionals.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

El Nino, La Nina and Hurricanes Essay examples -- Global Warming Clima

El Nino, La Nina and Hurricanes How does the change in climate affect the frequency and the path of those powerful hurricanes and tropical storms in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic Oceans? Global warming has a profound vast impact on the Earth. Besides landmasses, ocean is warmed unevenly. Additionally, unexpected changes in ocean current will aggregate the uneven distribution of water temperatures along the globe. Warmer or cooler than normal sea surface temperatures occur along the Tropical Pacific will provide good indications of the future climatic change. These weather scenarios are also known as El Nino, and La Nina. They are indicated by the Southern Oscillation Index, which shows the prevailing winds in the tropical Pacific Ocean. How will El Nino and La Nina affe...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Cold War Essay -- History, The Communist Bloc

At the conclusion of World War II, the United States of America emerged as the savior of Europe and became one of the leading global political powers of the subsequent age. Behind the â€Å"iron curtain† of Easter Europe, however, another superpower, the Soviet Union, which was seemingly the exact opposite of the United States in every way imaginable, exerted its force to instill and defend communism in its surrounding satellite states. The ideologies of these two countries displayed myriad incompatibilities, and over a period spanning the next four decades, the Soviet Union and the United States of America attempted to gain military, political, and social advantages over each other in order to preserve their systems of life. Especially with the advent of nuclear weapons and warfare, both of these nations saw the other as a perilous threat not only to the continuation of the ideals of democracy in America and Communism in The Soviet Union, but also to the lives of their inn ocent civilians. Countless numbers of historians have argued over the question of which superpower initiated the conflict, which Walter Lippmann coined â€Å"The Cold War† in his book of the same title, but a consensus has not yet been reached. In general, however, the events of the Cold War, which thankfully did not result in a military conflict, followed a specific pattern: The United States’ paranoia over the expansion of the Communist bloc encouraged them to develop new weapons and exert their influence in numerous struggles in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The Soviets, seeing this American initiative as a threat, also escalated their weapons and military programs. Essentially, the origins of the Cold War can be traced back to the Russian Revolution of ... ...ation out, but rather those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest nation on earth has had to offer (Newman and Schmalbach 588). Due to this influx of anti-communist paranoia, the Loyalty Review Board, which performed investigations and background checks on over three million federal workers, was created. Additionally, the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950 outlawed citizens from supporting any form of totalitarian government, established restrictions for confessed Communists, and created detention camps for those who did not comply. Lastly, the Un-American Activities Committee, which was created in 1939 to find Nazis, was reactivated in the forties to do the same for Communists. As already mentioned, paranoia was so hectic that this organization searched for Communists in the Boy Scouts and in the Hollywood industry (Newman and Schmalbach 559).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pascals Wager and Global Warming :: Climate Change, Greenhouse Gases

Since measurements began in 1958 -- and it can be assumed to have been the case since the industrial revolution -- emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere has risen steadily as a result of the burning of fossil fuels (Quay, pp 2344). Although there is much argument over the implications of increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, there are several points that almost all scientists would agree on: firstly, carbon dioxide acts to absorb radiated heat; if present in our atmosphere will do just that to some extent. Second, the concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is rising. Third, the temperature of the planet is rising - although the amount of this increase and the causes of this rise are subject to disagreement (Philander, pp 193). When I was at school in Vermont, one of my teachers explained to me Pascal's Wager. According to this teacher, the philosopher and mathematician Pascal had tried to establish the costs and benefits of believing in God. He saw it in this way: you can either believe in God or not. If you do believe in God, and there is in fact no God, then you will perhaps have spent some extra energy unnecessarily abstaining from certain pleasures and wasting your Sunday mornings in Church, but overall you did not give up too much. And, it could be argued, you may have actually treated your fellow men more kindly then you would have otherwise. If, however, there is a God, and you believed in him, then you get eternal salvation. On the other hand, you could choose not to believe in God. If there is no God, then you are fine. You can sin all you like, you can allow yourself transgressions and forbidden acts, and the only punishments you will face will be those of this life. If, however, you lived thusly and there is a God, then you face an eternity of torture and unbearable misery. So, Pascal reasoned, one would do best to believe in God and act accordingly. That way, if you're wrong, the worst thing that could happen is that you were more pious and caring then you may have otherwise been. If you do not believe in God and you turn out to be wrong, the risks become terrifying. My teacher suggested that I apply this same logic to global warming. It is a matter of playing the odds.

College Costs Essay

Introduction It’s no secret that financing a college education is getting tougher. College costs have skyrocketed over the past decade or so, and there’s no relief in sight. Average tuition at four-year colleges will increase 7 percent this school year, double the rate of inflation. Student aid is not increasing fast enough to plug the growing gap between tuition and family finances. In addition, there is a growing number of older students entering college today. These students have families that they need to support. I know, because I am a family man who has returned to school. I wish to finish my degree at the Rochester Institute of Technology. The only problems I face are financial in nature. It is with this in mind that I set about this research. The not so simple question: Is financial aid available to older students, and if so, how do they go about obtaining it? The Cost Of Education The cost of higher education varies by type of institution. Tuition is highest at private 4-year institutions, and lowest at public 2-year institutions. The private 4-year colleges nearly quadrupled their average tuition rates between 1975 and 1996. For private 4-year colleges, tuition and fees for the 1995-96 academic year averaged about $15,400, compared with about $5006 at public 4-year colleges. The cost of attending an institution of higher education includes not only tuition and fees, however, but also books and supplies, transportation, personal expenses and, sometimes, room and board. Although tuition and fees generally are substantially lower at public institutions than at private ones, the other student costs are about the same. According to MS-Encarta94,†the average cost for tuition, fees, and room and board for the 1995-96 academic year at private 4-year colleges was about $20,165. At public 4-year colleges the average combined cost was about $9290†³ (Encarta94). The cost of attending RIT is approximately $15700 per year. This does not include room and board, or books, and supplies . This cost falls in line with the national average. However , according to Rachel Shuman of the RIT Financial Aid Department,†the increase in cost at RIT was 4. 8 percent for the 1996-97 academic year over the 1995-96 academic year. † This falls 2. 2 percent below the national average for 4 year private institutions. Still, $15700 is a lot of dollars for an unemployed family man or woman with little or no income. The Cost Of Living Factor Though the Cost Of Living is not directly related to tuition it is still a major player in the decision making process. Is it possible to maintain a family financial structure while paying for an education? The cost of a mortgage, or rent, and other bills that are associated with living adds up to many thousands of dollars per year. These costs in addition to what the tuition, books, and supplies total are expected, and have to be dealt with. The financial burden alone can seem over-whelming to some. But let us consider what the total cost of living and attending a four year private institution are. The Bureau of Census statistics for the County of Monroe indicate â€Å"that the approximate average income for a family of four is $50964. The poverty level for a family of four is approximately $15455†. These are statistics calculated for the 1995 calendar year. No newer statistics were available. With these statistics in mind we can then determine the financial model we must follow. This model will determine what the total yearly outlay a family of four must shoulder in order to send a person to RIT. The Financial Burden First and foremost a family has to live. The Census data indicates that the minimum a family must earn is â€Å"a poverty level income. † So, let’s assume a family needs $16000 per year for living expenses. The cost of attending RIT is $15651 per year. Books and supplies are approximately $1200 per year. Finally, travel expenses will be approximately $500 per year. I am assuming that one spouse will be working to cover the living expenses. So, I am excluding medical and dental costs. These costs are partially or fully covered by an employer. In the event they are not let us include them in the poverty scenario, which basically means the family must pay the costs. The total amount of funds needed are $17700 the first year. If you increase that number by 4. 8% each year thereafter you can come up with the projected amount for each school year. The $17700 figure remains the obstacle to overcome. This cost has to be covered by Financial Aid. If this cost cannot be covered by the available system, the student will not be able to pursue a standard four year degree at RIT. Family’s Will Strain It’s going to be tougher to pay for college in 1996, and that’s going to widen the gap in enrollment between rich and poor students that the nation has struggled three decades to close. Average tuition at four-year colleges will increase 6 percent this school year, double the rate of inflation. But family income isn’t keeping pace; â€Å"after adjusting for inflation, the average family has gained hardly any ground in the 1990s,† says the Department of Labor. As a result, says the Department of Education,†sending a student to a private college in 1996 without any grants or loans will require more than a third of a typical family’s income and nearly two thirds of the income of a working-poor family. † The Government Student aid is not increasing fast enough to plug the growing gap between tuition and family finances. The federal government supplies 75 percent of student aid. But the value of federal grants has eroded sharply, covering only 10 percent of tuition today, compared with 20 percent a decade ago. The Financial Aid Page explains that: Congress’s budget-cutting Republicans want to spend $450 million less in 1996 on student grants, a move that education officials say would take nearly 200,000 student off the grant rolls. Also at risk: a new federal program that helps less affluent students by permitting them to repay federal loans over a longer period if their incomes’ after graduation are modest (Kantrowitz). Not surprisingly, the American Council on Education an  organization of colleges and universities, recently reported that fewer colleges than in the early 1990’s report enrollment increases among black and Hispanic students, who are generally less able to pay for college. Once in school, more and more students must work to pay their tuition bills. At least 40 percent of full-time undergraduate students are earning while they learn, says the ACE. The prognosis isn’t encouraging. â€Å"The tuition spiral is not likely to end, nor is student aid likely to catch up anytime soon,† write college cost experts Lawrence Gladieux and Arthur Hauptman in a new report, â€Å"The College Aid Quandary. † To a nation that likes to think of itself as a meritocracy, not merely a bastion of privilege, that’s a disturbing message (Kantrowitz). Well, that’s a lot of important statistical information. Enough I think that most people would like to throw this paper out and forget the whole idea of returning to school. But not so fast, there is a light at the end of this tunnel! Where Should I Begin My Search? The financial aid office at the school you plan to attend is the best place to begin your search for free information. The financial aid administrator can tell you about student aid available from the federal government, your state government, the school itself, and other sources. You can also find free information about student aid in the reference section of your local library (usually listed under â€Å"student aid† or â€Å"financial aid†). These materials usually include information about federal, state, institutional, and private aid. The major source of student financial aid is the U. S. Department of Education. Nearly 70 percent of the student aid that is awarded each year comes from the U. S. Department of Education programs (approximately $23. 4 billion in 1992-93). Student aid is also available from other federal agencies, such as the U. S. Public Health Service and the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The free student financial aid materials available in the financial aid office at your school include The Student Guide, a free booklet about financial aid from the U. S. Department of Education, and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). (Education) Financial Aid for Older Students Many scholarship and fellowship programs do not have age restrictions. If there are restrictions, they are expressed in terms of the student’s year in school (e.g. , high school senior) and not as an age limit. Thus there are many awards for which older students are eligible, simply because the awards do not disqualify students based on age. Older students should conduct a search for aid just like younger students. There are no,†age restrictions on eligibility for federal student financial aid. Although many schools restrict eligibility for the school’s own financial aid programs to the first Bachelor’s degree, some schools will waive the restrictions when the student is an adult returning to school to earn a second degree in preparation for a career change† (Kantrowitz). The Financial Aid Office Following the advice of the sources I have used for compiling this research paper I contacted the Financial Aid Office at RIT and set up an interview. While waiting for the date of my appointment I compiled a list of questions I would ask the Financial Aid Officer(FAO). When the day of the interview was at hand I was prepared. The FAO’s at RIT are assigned to students alphabetically. My FAO is Rachel Schuman and she was genuinely surprised that I had a prepared list of questions. Here is a synopsis of that interview. I asked her what the total cost of attending RIT would be for the coming school year? What expenses are incurred? What are the chances of being turned down? She was fairly straightforward about answering most of the questions that I posed. However on some sticky issues she was reserved. At one point she had to check with her boss for an answer. I wondered if she was merely asking her boss if it was against policy to answer certain questions. There were a number times that she simply pointed across the hall to admissions. Indicating that they could answer my questions better. The basic answers were that Yes RIT gives Merit Scholarships, and that probably some type of loans and/or work study program would be required. Mrs. Schuman then told me that if you are eligible for aid you will receive it. I was not particularly encouraged by her explanations and as I found out later I as right. The first thing you have to do is get accepted by the College Admissions Department. This in itself is another bureaucratic nightmare. I talked to Al Biles the Assistant Dean of Computer Information Technology and said, â€Å"Just go over to admissions and sign up. † Well when I got to admissions I paid my fee and waited for three weeks for a letter that never came. Instead I got a postcard telling me I need to get my GED. I went back to see Mrs. Schuman. Rachel then explained to me that there is a process for obtaining financial aid. You must first fill out all necessary forms and applications. Then according to the information you supply you will be assigned a Student Aid Report(SAR). The SAR will show your Expected Family Contribution(EFC). Then your EFC is subtracted from the schools Cost of  Attendance which gives your FAO the students Financial need. Based on my interview with Rachel Schuman it became apparent that I needed to arrange an interview with admissions. In order to clear up the two unanswered questions. But, before I left, Mrs. Schuman gave me three applications to fill out. The FAFSA, the New York State Tuition Assistance(TAP) application, and the RIT Application For 1997-98 Financial Aid For Continuing Undergraduate Students. At this point it was becoming very clear to me that there is money available, but the process is slow and filled with bureaucratic red tape. I guess if you want to play though, you might as well play with the big kids. Admissions Shortly after my talk with Rachel Schuman I telephoned Renee Minnich. Renee Minnich is the Assistant Director of the Office of Admissions for RIT. I asked her,†What portion of the most recently admitted class is paying full tuition? † Her reply, â€Å"Practically nil. Most of our students receive aid. Those that do are working full time and attend class at night. But they are usually subsidized by their employers. † â€Å"Do you package preferentially? † â€Å"Yes we have merit based scholarships for outstanding students. But we attempt to meet the needs of each student individually. † Conclusion Well there we have it. The system at RIT is set up as a meritocracy for the most part. Those students which have proven themselves in High School or are transfer students have a far better chance of receiving grants and scholarships. The rest of the students will receive some sort of loan relief. Still others will receive aid based on their financial situation. The system is complicated and you the student are at its mercy. Remember also, you must get admitted first before you need apply for financial aid.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Ang Lee’s Treatment of the Romance between his two Protagonists in “The Wedding Banquet”

Ang Lee’s Treatment of the Romance between his two Supporters in â€Å"The Wedding Banquet† Introduction The two supporters in Ang Lee’s movie are Simon and Wai Tung. These are two cheery lovers from different parts of the universe, but populating in America. Ang Lee treats love affair in the movie as a complicated affair affecting non merely two persons but besides other stakeholders in their lives, such as, friends and relations. In this essay, I shall show that Ang Lee treats love affair as a complex phenomenon that triumphs despite the obstructions. Body Harmonizing to Lee’s movie, the love affair complication is that Wai Tung and Simon is a cheery twosome who lives in Manhattan. Wai Tung’s parents are conservative and want to see their boy acquire married and bear them a grandchild in order to go on their household line of descent. However, the love affair between Wai Tung and Simon is so strong that they decide to continue it, while they look out for a solution that would affect Wai’s parents. For case, the cheery twosome spends a batch of money in individual nines with an purpose of acquiring Wai perfect bride. To cover up their romantic relationship, Simon suggests that Wai Tung and Wei Wei, their renter who besides has a romantic complication with a Caucasic adult male, prosecute in a fraud matrimony. Wei Wei readily accepts the matrimony thought majorly because she is despairing to go on remaining in America ; hence the demand for a green card ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.265 ) . The matrimony between is planned in a such a manner that the Wei Wei will remain in America, Wai’s parents will be happy about the intelligence, and that she will go forth the two work forces together enjoy their romantic relationship. This is a clear indicant of a strong love relationship between the supporters, as they are willing to take immense hazards in order to stay happy together. The determination is a slippery one because it is against the in-migration ordinances to remain in the state without a green card or proper mandate. Therefore, the two could be charged for fraud if the governments get wind of their programs. It is besides hazardous because it is against their parents’ want to prosecute in a fraud matrimony. Nevertheless, the possible benefits if the planned matrimony tend to dominate the hazards and the three move on with their programs ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.267 ) . Thinking they besides need to gull the governments, Wai and Wei Wei work on familiarising with each other in order to obtain the in-migration license. It is merely when Wai’s parents, the Gaos announce that they are winging in to go to their son’s nuptials that everyone is thrown into a terror. However, the program can still work efficaciously if merely the three plotters work hard to retrieve and make their functions for the two hebdomads the Gaos will be in the metropolis. The events that follow seem to negatively impact the love affair between Wai and Simon ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.277 ) . Their program about goes through as Wai-Tung’s parents fly in from Taiwan for their son’s nuptials. The luxuriant nuptials feast causes so many complications, as Wei Wei rapes the ‘husband’ and becomes pregnant. Mr. Gao, Wai Tung’s father gets to cognize the truth and sacrifices his traditions for his son’s felicity by following Simon. Ang Lee depicts a same-sex love affair, between two work forces from different racial backgrounds. The love affair between Wei Wei and the Caucasic adult male is inhibited by the cultural and racial difference ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.275 ) . Besides, the nuptials ceremonial takes topographic point without a enlistment. Simon offers to take them out for dinner and they run into Mr. Gao’s old companion. The comrade’s thought to throw a nuptials feast for the twosome in award of his old commanding officer, Mr. Gao puts the program whole program off balance. After a exuberant and intoxicant filled party, the nuptial twosome goes to bed, where things get complicated. In another attempted love affair between Wei and Wai, the former rapes the groom and subsequently realizes that she is pregnant. As a consequence, this becomes a serious job to the homosexual lovers, as that would deteriorate their love relationship. Simon gets annoyed by the bend of events, likely out of green-eyed monster. Lee besides demonstrates love affair as a self-generated and that can irresistible. This is seen in the in the movie when when Simon and Wai are caught by Mr Gao seeking to mouse into an afternoon sex session. This happens when the cheery twosome thinks that no 1 is in the house. The passionately kiss in the anteroom and deprive each other as they climb the steps. Unfortunately, Mr. Gao is watching and their cupboard love affair is discovered. Ang Lee treats love affair between same sex persons as unacceptable and immoral. This is seen through the manner he makes the characters in the movie behave. For case, Simon and Wai are in secret in love with one another and hope to transport on their relationship behind their parents’ back. This is because it is obvious that the parents will non O.K. of such a relationship, particularly now that they are traditional Chinese who want a grandchild ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.267 ) . Therefore, the movie author depicts a cheery love affai r as a frailty in the society that the victims try difficult to conceal it from everyone else. Compared to Wong Kar-wai’s movie, In the Mood for love, love affair is brought approximately as a complicated matter between a adult male and adult female, who are following door neighbours ( Marcus & A ; Nicholls 2004, p.545 ) . The supporters in this movie are Chow Mo-wan who is a journalist, and Su Li-zhen who is a secretary in a transportation company ( Cui 2007, p.4 ) . The complication in their relationship lies in the manner the love affair began. Leery that their several partners are rip offing on them, they unconsciously develop feelings for each other. Therefore, the supporters in the movie illustrate that love affair is self-generated and resistless ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) . Ang Lee besides seems to be pass oning a critical message through love affair in the movie that nil remains concealed for long despite the battle to make so. When Simon and Wai’s complicated love relationship is eventually discovered by Mr. Gao, it becomes clear that anything done in secret can ever come out in the visible radiation ; that is truth ever triumphs. Even after his find, Mr. Gao tries to maintain the issue to himself without stating the married woman. This, nevertheless, does non stay a secret for long as Wai Tung succumbs to coerce and defeat of the secret and decides to state the female parent the truth. For case, after his father’s 2nd shot and frequent battles between him, Wei Wei and Simon, Wai opens up to the female parent who is absolutely surprised ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.268 ) . Correspondingly, Wong Kar-wai, demonstrates that love affair can non be hidden for long. In every bit much as the film’s supporters are seeking to conceal their love relationship, it finally comes out in the unfastened for the neighbours to see. Although Chow and Su are seeking to conceal their feelings from each other, they eventually decide to acknowledge it. Therefore, love affair is a natural phenomenon that is neither difficult to conceal nor stamp down and that the earlier the stakeholders involved accept it, the better for the parties involved ( Martin & A ; Heinrich 2006, p.32 ) . Ang Lee’s movie besides dares to convey out love affair through an unusual manner ; gay relationship between the supporters. The society is evidently non amused by such a relationship and in fact discourages it by all agencies. However, through the movie, Jay Lee bravely makes it clear to the spectator that cheery relationships are existent, no affair how hard the society efforts to stamp down it. Through the movie, Lee shows that love affair can be good between opposite sex persons every bit good as same sex spouses. For illustration, Wei Wei was in a romantic relationship with a Caucasic adult male, but her parents would non O.K. of the relationship. The same sex love affair is illustrated by the love between Simon and Wei ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.270 ) . On contrast, Wong Kar-wai, brings out love affair in a normal manner between a adult male and a adult female ; Chow and Su. Compared to the homosexual love affair between Simon and Wai, Chow and Su’s relationship is acceptable in the society. However, the relationship is criticized by the sixtiess conservative Chinese who find a friendly relationship between a adult male and a adult female as Wyrd. In an attempt to maintain their relationship platonic, the two autumn for each other. Besides, they do non desire to crouch excessively low as their cheating partners, yet the terminal up as lovers ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) . Even though the society disapproves of such relationships, Lee depicts that it thrives despite all odds. This is illustrated by the instance of the two supporters in the film. Although Wai’s male parent is so aghast to detect the truth about his boy that he suffers a shot, he eventually accepts his position. He even goes to a great extent to back up him by following Simon as his boy. Likewise, Mrs. Gao learns to accept the state of affairs. This makes the two vanquishers as their love relationship continues in malice of the social opposition. Wong Kar-wai in the movie ‘In the Mood for Love’ illustrates a normal love relationship between a adult male and a adult female ; Chow and Su ( Smith 2010, p.173 ) . The movie depicts the love affair between Chow and Su as successful one in the beginning ( Deutelbaum & A ; Poague 2009, p.51 ) . Nevertheless, factors including distance and work affect their relationship a great trade. Chow decides to work in Singapore and leav es behind Su. Finally, the love affair between them of course dies ( Martin & A ; Heinrich 2006, p.56 ) . In add-on, Ang Lee’s treats love affair between the two supporters as a natural and self-generated phenomenon. It is demonstrated as a state of affairs that exists between two persons who feel common attractive force and trust between themselves without much attempt. As the movie unfolds, it is clear that the love affair between Simon and Wai started through a phone conversation. Lee uses telephones as a symbol of cheery familiarity. The telephones besides enhance the being of the cupboard and unfavourably impact the familiarity. Besides, their first buss happens after both of them had a conversation to prove the cellular telephone that Simon bought Wai ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.275 ) . What is more, merely as in any other normal love relationship, Lee portrays the love affair between Simon and Wai as strong and existent. Normally, lovers tend to interchange gifts as an look of love. In this instance, Simon buys Wai a portable phone so as to heighten communicating between them. Furthermore, lovers in existent life scenario tend to make one another favours as a manner of showing their feelings. In this instance, Lee depicts a strong love love affair between the supporters through the same ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.275 ) . On the contrary, the cupboard love affair in the drama is besides facilitated by the telephone. Wai’s parents’ presence can be felt in the homosexual relationship even before they land in New York. This happens through the late dark and long distance calls, which serve to interfere with the couple’s slumber. As good, the homosexual relationship in the movie is created by telephone, which may be disembodied and romanticized, but can besides be free of a position of homosexual gender as merely sex ; cold, unemotional, and sterile. The conversation on phone aid to unify the characters and underlines their ignorance and isolation of each other’s feelings. For Wai, the telephone communicating helps to maintain prolong the cupboard ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000, p.276 ) . In the movie, Jay Lee besides treats love affair as a phenomenon that cuts across racial boundaries in the universe. This is against the traditional position of looking at love affair as possible and should go on between two persons within one racial, spiritual, political, and societal association. The instance of Simon and Wai drives Lee’s message on love affair place. The fact that the two lovers come from different parts of the universe proves that love affair can absolutely go on across different civilizations and races. Simon is an American piece Wai is an Asia, yet they are involved in a strong romantic relationship. Apart from being involved in a homosexual relationship, the two are cross-cultural lovers, something against the traditions of Wai’s conservative parents. The fact that Wai’s parents’ have ever been pressing him to acquire himself a perfect Chinese lady to get married and acquire them a grandchild confirms that they do non O.K. of a cros s-cultural or cross-racial matrimony or love affair non to advert cheery matrimony. Therefore, Jay Lee treats the love affair in the movie as diverse phenomenon ( Hamamoto & A ; Liu 2000 p.274 ) . By contrast, Wong Kar-wai movie depicts a complicated love affair between a two Chinese persons, Chow and Su. While Lee shows that love affair knows no cultural, spiritual, political, geographical, and racial boundaries, Wong Kar-wai portrays a love affair that suffers because of work and geographical barriers. Chow and Su’s love affair seems weakened by the distance that finally develops when Chow relocates to Singapore. This leaves the spectator inquiring whether the love affair was non merely meant for convenience as it looks superficial ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) . Further, Lee’s movie demonstrates that love affair can be and boom against all odds. This is illustrated when the supporters in the movie win in acquiring married. Wai and Simon successfully maintain their relationship. Nevertheless, Wong Kar-wai shows that love affair is hindered by assorted factors including work and distance. For case, when Chow moves to Singapore for work, he leaves Su behind ( Martin & A ; Heinrich 2006, p.34 ) . What is more, Lee demonstrates love affair as a dearly-won matter. This implies that for love affair to thrive in any society, a batch of costs are incurred by the parties involved. Lee uses love affair between Simon and Wai to demo this. Since Wai’s household insist on him get marrieding a Chinese lady, the love affair between them greatly affected the household. In fact, their opposition to the homosexual love affair caused Mr. Gao to endure a shot. However, because he wanted to delight his boy, he decides to give his cultural demands and adopts Simon so that he can be portion of the household. Similarly, Wong Kar-wai notes that successful love affair is dearly-won to the stakeholders involved. Chow and Su’s love affair is dearly-won is the sense that they get separated by work and distance. They besides suffer from neighbors’ examination due to the Chinese civilization ( Chow 2007, p.65 ) . Decision Clearly, love affair is depicted as a complicated matter by Ang Lee’s movie. the complication in this involves assorted facets include same-sex relationship, parents’ opposition, cultural beliefs, costs and forfeits that need to be made. Lee demonstrates that love affair is a natural, self-generated, and dearly-won phenomenon in the society. Besides, Lee shows that love affair can be between same sex persons, hence ensuing in homosexual relationship as it happens between the supporters in the movie. It is besides apparent in the movie that love affair can go on and thrive across political, cultural, societal, spiritual, and racial backgrounds, as it happens between Simon and Wai in the movie. This contrasts with Wong Kar-wai’s thought of convenient love affair hindered by distance and work-related factors. Although Wong Kar-wai ‘s movie brings out normal love affair between a adult male and a adult female, the relationship fails every bit compared to the su ccessful homosexual love affair in Ang Lee’s movie. Mentions Chow, R 2007,Sentimental Fabulations, Contemporary Chinese Films: Attachment in the Age of Global Visibility, Columbia University Press, Michigan.pp.65-69. Cui, M 2007,The Cinema of Wong Kar Wai: Chinese and Western Culture Differences in Narrative Cinemas, Universal-Publishers, Sydney. Pp.4-9. Deutelbaum, M & A ; Poague, L 2009,A Hitchcock Reader, John Wiley & A ; Sons, New Jersey. Pp.51-59. Hamamoto, DY & A ; Liu, S 2000,Countervisions: Asiatic American Film Criticism, Temple University Press, Hong Kong, Pp. 265-280. Marcus, L & A ; Nicholls, P 2004,The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century English Literature, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 545. Martin, F & A ; Heinrich, L 2006,Corporal modernnesss materiality, representation, and Chinese civilizations, University of HawaiE »i Press, Honolulu: Pp. 30-70. Smith, WG 2010,Socrates and Subtitles: A Philosopher ‘s Guide to 95 Challenging Movies from Around the World, McFarland, Hong Kong. pp. 173-187.